If you are unwell and your procedure is coming up, it would be best to notify us.

The final decision to proceed with your anaesthetic and surgery rests with the risk assessment made by your anesthesia doctor.

Anaesthetists are experts in risk assessment.


Some examples of why you may need to postpone surgery include:

- New medical illnesses e.g. development of chest pain, angina

- Respiratory illness - e.g. fevers, shortness of breath, phlegm or runny nose

- Worsening current medical conditions e.g. your diabetes has gotten suddenly worse, or you are having a disease flare up e.g. inflammatory bowel disease etc.


During your introductory phone calls and review, you would have been provided with a phone number. Please contact us or alternatively email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.